Monday, September 28, 2009

Cervical Mucus Cycle Day 23 30 Day Cycle

Housing in Havana: Action Plans

Havana is beautiful, but it falls apart. The beautiful colonial buildings of yesteryear are disintegrating, pieces of balconies are ready to crumble scabrous retained by some vertical beams and stairs are ruined, the walls are crumbling under the onslaught of moisture, roof s' étiolent regularly here and there.
In Centro Habana, where the problem is most acute, entire families live in houses one wonders how they are still standing, open to all winds, sometimes without running water, using tanks and generators to another age.
Hurricanes of rare violence that have occurred recently have made it essential to establish a resettlement policy quickly and efficiently.
Thus, the state has organized, through the Ministry of Construction (MECON), a great plan for rehabilitation and construction. It is organized into two systems: the first is a political construction of residential buildings by micro-brigades of the construction sought by the state: the state enters into a contract for the construction of a number x accommodation with one or more undertakings state construction, which sends and their workers on construction sites. This happens also to any rehabilitation of buildings (painting, repairs, installation and maintenance of lifts, ...). These properties are then used to relocate a number of people who either lost their homes in hurricanes (they have affected some 680,000 homes were totally destroyed and 90,000 on the island), or living in homes too dilapidated for be repaired or having health problems, mobility, family situation ... The other system is that the brigades' micro-social "state caters to families whose houses must be demolished (as in too poor condition) materials for the construction of new housing in areas still more or less virgin Havana. Under the supervision of those responsible for micro-brigades and the Ministry of Housing, and helped neighbors and family, and they participate fully in building their own homes. When they live there, they pay between 5 and 18 Cuban pesos monthly rent (calculated based on revenues), which equates to between 0.20 and 0.75 U.S. dollar.
The mechanism repeats itself and cascaded As, people living in dilapidated homes ranging in the news, while the brigades of state building repair what can be repaired, and demolish the crumbling. When a series of homes were demolished, new ones are erected where families can come and live in homes that need patching.
The objective of this plan is to reach the figure of 10 000 dwellings (re) constructed per year, but the recent global economic crisis has severely hampered the process. It was still possible to build more housing in 3 years (2006-2009: 25,000 new dwellings) that had been done on the last twenty years - indeed, the "special period" saw stop, since the early '90s, any policy on housing.
In walking the streets of Havana, one realizes that there is a famous work.


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