Here's the full interview of my meeting with Helen Audoin, Fabien local resident and parent of college student Fabien CIPF. This is an opportunity to address the issues of the college, departmental policy core of the General Council, including the role of students, parents and the educational community, but also the feelings of the projects undertaken by the Department . This also allowed me to take stock of some of my struggles and proposals that I wear as general counsel. Happy reading.Helen: I am a parent of college student Fabien. Beyond the problems of government policy, the greater concern is that it is a place very close, it would really succeed in the open area and society.
The college has been renovated, it's beautiful, and should allow citizens to use the gym, rooms dedicated to culture. Because there is maddening, parents are never set foot there. Children between 11 and 15 spend their days and it's still a scary place.
Florence: It's true that the opening quarter, it does not advance. The opening of the gym for residents, the principle is accepted, but it's been two years of its existence and it always crashes, governments bickered over responsibility for blocking. We must therefore still be mobilized. We've already done all of the way, during the renovation. I set up regular meetings, for the consideration of public opinion. It was not simple, but we got a room for parents, taking into account the needs of teachers for their room. Problems remain in PCRs.
Helena : the parents' room is good, we can go whenever you want. A few, we organize a parents' coffee one Saturday per month. We train, we are not very numerous. If there were times smarter, more reasons to enter the regular college, I think more parents would dare come. For now, they used to be called for submission of report cards or when there is a problem. More
Overall, I think there should be more consultation between the Education and institutions. There is no work together. And I feel a contradiction between the principles announced in school, learning about democracy, citizenship, and the reality of college life for students and parents alike. It is the responsibility of each institution.
Florence: and parents should be driving these dialogues
Helen: For example it seems that there is a General Council of the college board, the teachers were Fabien not even know, I do not even know what that is?
Florence: at one time, there were a delegate, but it is true that professionals say it is without them. It is too often the case in the General Council. The initiatives are decided from above, I try to support projects that come from the people. Thus the appointment of the General Council for parents of students in Bobigny, that's interesting, but the themes could be selected rather by the parents, we do not stay in a meeting to "inform" and should that these appointments are in the whole department, not only in the prefecture.
In Saint Denis, I met several times CIPF to develop joint proposals on democracy, on the advice of disciplines and support for college students.
Helen: The problem is to bring parents to react collectively. Few people believe, and this is normal: in theory, the college welcomes us, there are instances of dialogue, but in practice it seems that it's risky, it will be frowned upon or not listen. Two examples: the Board of Directors parents of students and teachers explained why they disagreed with the installation of CCTV, why it seemed rather a need for staff. But in fact, they pretended we listened while this was already decided.
And within the college kids sign up internal rules, but without it being accompanied by work on the rules, and then the teachers do what they want from the rule and penalties. We had meetings with volunteer teachers to consider more sanctions interesting, it had made proposals but there has not been on.
Florence: We must continue to talk to the CA. It is essential that the rise of teenage life in a neighborhood or in conjunction with the neighborhood, it is seen as a positive place where they can have their say. It is not easy for parents to dare to say, especially as the speeches blaming is fashionable in politics. That's why I participated in many groups of words organized by the Women's Parliament, on the question of relationships between parents, children, teachers, with the idea of being stronger together on these issues, bring a fresh perspective. We must now continue to share it, forward. My support committee also worked on proposals on the issue of the proliferation of disciplinary boards, their history and consequences. The General Council has no authority on this subject, but he can not ignore it. Following this work, the City Council and the General Council have therefore initiated a project on schooling, compared to pupils excluded temporarily. For this exclusion, what can we do with them, so this is not a waste of time? We designed a place of welcome, Education National shall provide management personnel for the time they did not. Three colleges, we have a mechanism to prevent exclusions.
Helen: For the excluded go to another college, the disappearance of the card Imagin'R, it means paying more to go to another college, it's not very good for dropout prevention school.
To end on a positive note, I love this neighborhood, the square Fabien is a great success, there is no problem because all generations meet there, it is well designed.
Florence : It was developed with the users of the square, the mothers of families mainly because they are the ones who use it. So they wanted gates to the road, but not to homes. The children drew some of the organization, and I hope that today they are proud.
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